sexta-feira, maio 13, 2005

David Byrne - Look into the Eyeball (2001)

01- U.B. Jesus
02- The Revolution
03- The Great Intoxication
04- Like Humans Do
05- Broken Things
06- The Accident
07- Desconocido Soy
08- Neighborhood
09- Smile
10- The Moment of Conception
11- Walk On Water
12– Everyones in Love With You

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2 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

hi, great blog!:)whats the login and password for downloading david byrne, please? thaks!:)

Pernas disse...

When i post David Byrne in may/2005, it was not necessary login and password...
I try find more of David Byrne and contact you.
Thanks to visit my blog.